Tuesday, September 11, 2018 | 7:10 pm
Rat-infested dinosaur stadium with big green wall | East Massholia, MA
Ryan Borucki (3-4, 4.39, 1.48) vs. Chris Sale (12-4, 1.97, 0.85)
The Blue Jays, fresh off a series split against the Clevelands, travel to East Massholia to take on the Red Sux for their annual September beat-down.
Ryan Borucki takes the ball as the sacrificial lamb being tossed to the wolves, while Chris Sale makes his return off the DL -- fortunately (?) he's going to be used as an "opener" of sorts, limited to probably 2 innings to not overexert himself too much.
Just win, boys. Give these uppity Massholes what they deserve.
Sorry for the bare-bones version of the game thread - it was a Bloody Tuesday here. C'est la vie. Will make up for it tomorrow.
This is your "Make Chris Sale Cry" game thread.