Friday, September 30, 2016

2016 Game 160 - Jays vs Sux

Back in the bullshit ballpark/pinball machine that is Fenway. Time to beat the crap out of this team.

Estrada vs Porcello. Setting intention for good Marco, shutdown bullpen, and explosive 2015-esque offence.

Songs for a tense weekend

I'm writing this as the game is going on and everyone is being a ray of sunshine on the game threat. Time for music!

Thursday, September 29, 2016

2016 Game 159 - Jays vs Os

Bye bye shitbirds. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Jimenez vs Stroman. Setting intention for good Stro, shutdown bullpen, and explosive 2015-esque offence.

Ode to the Optimistic

Inspired by An Ode To The Overwhelmed by Samantha Bennett

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

2016 Game 158 - Jays vs Os

Time for another shitbird smackdown!

Tillman vs Liriano. Setting intention for good Francisco, shutdown bullpen, and explosive 2015-esque offence.

more tales from the bat rack

I told Kevin I had hits in me. He just had to not swing me as often. Stay in the strike zone. Wait for his pitch.

But did he listen to me? No!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

2016 Game 157 - Jays vs Os

Ok, back to the wall time. Let's go!

Gausman vs Sanchez. Setting intention for good Aaron, shutdown bullpen, and explosive 2015-esque offence.

Surviving September Baseball Part 3

Part 3:

Running Up That Hill ( A Deal FROM God....Sorry Kate) OR Flops Lead To Swaps And Make Us Tops....

 She's Crazy....Crazy Hot
 Searching For That Elusive Pennant

Monday, September 26, 2016

2016 Game 156 - Jays vs Yanks

Adios assholes! Don't let the door hit you on the way out. See you next year!

Oh, and fuck the youth movement.

Severino vs Happ. Setting intention for good JA and explosive 2015-esque offence.

The Montreal Canadiens of Baseball

(AKA The September 2016 Slumpbusters)

Reggie Jackson's 3 HR game in Game 6 of the 1977 World Series. Wow.

Love 'em or hate 'em, you have to appreciate what the New York Yankees have accomplished in baseball: 40 World Series appearances (doubling runner-up SF/NY Giants combined 20), 27 World Series Championships (Cards have 11); no team in the history of baseball comes close to the success they've enjoyed over their 103 years.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

2016 Game 155 - Jays vs Yanks

Shouldn't this be the last game against these assholes? Why is there a Monday night game?

Oh, and fuck the youth movement.

Pineda vs Estrada. Setting intention for good Marco and explosive 2015-esque offence.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Party weekend!

Every weekend is an open thread to shoot the shit. There will be a challenge each week but don't feel confined by it.

2016 Game 154 - Jays vs Yanks

Continue to fuck the youth movement. Their declining bullpen while we're at it.

Sabathia vs Stroman. Setting intention for good Stro and explosive 2015-esque offence.

Friday, September 23, 2016

2016 Game 153 - Jays vs Yanks

Last time seeing these assholes this year. Fuck the youth movement!

Mitchell vs Liriano. Setting intention for good Francisco and explosive 2015-esque offence.

Surviving September Baseball Part 2

Part Two: 

Grate Expectations OR Stieb's A Lemon And I Want My Martinez Back...(No Apologies To Meatloaf)

Robin Always Was A Whiner

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Surviving September Baseball

Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Dosh


(With profuse apologies to Stanley Kubrick)

Everyone's Seen This Movie Right?

Part One : Turning The Corner....

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

2016 Game 152 - Jays vs Mariners

Bye Seattle. It's been a blast. See you next year!

Sanchez vs Hernandez. Setting intention for good Aaron and explosive 2015-esque offence.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

2016 Game 151 - Jays vs Mariners

Time to crush some Seattle playoff hopes.

Happ vs Iwakuma. Setting intention for good JA and explosive 2015-esque offence.

Guide to the Seattle blogosphere

There's some interesting way stations in the Seattle blogosphere and a surprising amount of long-standing blogs.

Monday, September 19, 2016

2016 Game 150 - Jays vs Mariners

Ok, time to roll up the sleeves and get 'er done!

Estrada vs Walker. Setting intention for good Marco and explosive 2015-esque offence.

Mr. September 2016

From the 2015 All-Star Game. Those caps are hideous!
Forget about Mr. October for now, we will cross that bridge when (and if?) we get to it. With the Jays hanging onto a wild card spot with just 13 games remaining (although Drew and AS continue to claim there's a lot of baseball left?), the team needs someone to step up and win some games.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

2016 Game 149 - Jays vs Angels

Bye bye, Angels! It's been a slice. See you next year!

Stroman vs Meyer. Stro looked good for much of his last start. Meyer's a rook. So time to give Marcus some support and kick some ass!

Saturday, September 17, 2016

2016 Game 148 - Jays vs Angels

Guess a sunny Saturday afternoon isn't considered a good time in California. Yay to late Saturday night games. (not)

Liriano vs Nolasco. Francisco looked good last start. Nolasco has been struggling. So kick ass and take names!

Party weekend!

Every weekend is an open thread to shoot the shit. There will be a challenge each week but don't feel confined by it.

Friday, September 16, 2016

2016 Game 147 - Jays vs Angels

Nothing like a Friday night on the West Coast.

Dickey vs Weaver. The confines of Angels stadium suits RA. Weaver isn't what he was. So kick some ass and take names!

From the bat rack

I don't know how it happened, man. One minute me and Nolan are chillin' at Coors. I'm drinkin' in that lovely dry air and that big blue sky. Next thing I know I'm being handed off to a giant meerkat. He's feeling me up, swinging me around.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

2016 Game 146 - Jays vs Angels

West coast swing! Enjoy the nighttime games west coast friends.

Happ vs Wright. Happ kicked ass last start. Wright is a rookie. So time to break the trend of not roughing up the kids.

Forgotten Fan Favourites Vol #2: Jim Clancy

 1985 Donruss Card....No Mustache !

Yes... Jim Clancy...or Big Jim....or Diamond Jim...or as I've seen listed James Petrosky's a moot point.

The man could pitch.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

MLB Power Rankings - Doom and Gloom Edition

Wake me up when September ends. Just 3 wins in 11 games so far. We have dropped from #3-4th in the overall MLB Power Rankings to around #7-8th. The Sux have the AL East lead and somehow the Yankees are just 2GB of the final wildcard spot (along with the Tigers, Mariners 2.5 back). But call me crazy, ever since the player's only meeting this seems like a different team. They need their leaders to step up. If Joey or Tulo or Dosh or even Russell can get hot, the whole team could catch fire: they're a fuse just looking for a spark.

2016 Game 145 - Jays vs Rays

The last time we see the pesky Rays this year. Goodbye and good riddance!

Cobb vs Estrada. Good Estrada today please. Get Marco some runs!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

2016 Game 144 - Jays vs Rays

Second last time playing those damn Rays this year. Pound them!

Smyly vs Stroman. Good Stro please. Get Marcus some runs!

Guide to the Rays blogosphere

As I suspected, there's some interesting little way stations in the Rays blogosphere. There's Shadow of the Stadium, which describes itself as "providing perspective on the economics and politics of sports business in Florida...and the Rays' campaign for a new stadium in Tampa Bay." It's run by a real investigative reporter and is fascinating. Then there's Tampa Bay Baseball Market, which covers all the team in the Tampa Bay area. There's a section on Dunedin. It covers attendance, economics, demographics, marketing, even theories on how things are the way they are. Very comprehensive site.

Then there's the more traditional Rays blogs.

Monday, September 12, 2016

2016 Game 143 - Jays vs Rays

The last series with that damn horseshoe-up-the-ass-play-in-a-mausoleum Rays.

Odorizzi vs Liriano. Good Liriano please. Get Francisco some runs!

Forgotten Fan Favorites Vol. #1: Candy Maldonado

Candy Maldonado, circa 1992

I'm a fan. One of my favorite "forgotten" Jays ever? As a kid I always loved "The Candyman".

Maybe it was hitting his 20th HR in the very last game of the 1992 season. Probably as a pre-teen in Sydney River, Cape Breton, I thought his nickname was pretty rad. I always thought he was a good defender. But what most likely cemented my inexplicable adoration for this Puerto Rican journeyman OF was this historic clutch hit, winning the first World Series game ever played in Canada:

He had a pretty solid year back in 1992, finishing 4th over in team OPS, ahead of Joe Carter! :

Candy ended up coming back for a cup of coffee with the Jays in 1995 (I do not remember that?), played in over 1400 MLB games, and is a member of the Caribbean and Puerto Rican Baseball Halls of Fame. A key depth piece in the outfield. Like a slower MUJ, who, you know, could hit a little.

I have no recollection of most Jays pre-1990. Ask MK or one of the Mods for the log in information (the Blogger editor is super user-friendly) and go ahead and write your own FFF! This is a community and the more contributors, the merrier. We all look forward to your contributions!

Sunday, September 11, 2016

2016 Game 142 - Jays vs Sux

Time to pound the Sux into the ground.

Buchholz vs Sanchez. Get Aaron some runs!

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Party weekend!

Every weekend is an open thread to shoot the shit. There will be a challenge each week but don't feel confined by it.

2016 Game 141 - Jays vs Sux

The sweet, sweet confines of home. Use it, offence!

Rodriguez vs Happ. Get JA some runs!

Friday, September 9, 2016

2016 Game 140 - Jays vs Sux

Time to forget about that horrible road trip and buckle up for some home cookin'! Time to take it to Lanternjaw McFuckface and that tampering organization.

Porcello vs Estrada. Get Marco some runs!

Now is not the time to panic

The Jays are out of first place with 23 games to go.

This may seem to you to be a fine time to panic. My question to you is, why?

Thursday, September 8, 2016

The Art of the Walk (Up Music)

What does a player's Walk Up Music say about him? Judging by this list, in my always humble opinion, it says he has pretty terrible taste in music:

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

2016 Game 139 - Jays vs Yanks

Bye bye, Bidet. See you next year. Good riddance.

Stroman vs Mitchell. Good Stro please. Win!

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Monday, September 5, 2016

2016 Game 137 - Jays vs Yanks

Yankee Stadium. Weren't we just here?

Dickey vs Tanaka. Score RA some runs!

Sunday, September 4, 2016

2016 Game 136 - Jays vs Rays

Goodbye and good riddance, House of Horrors!

Happ vs Archer. Go JA! Get the man some runs!

Saturday, September 3, 2016

2016 Game 135 - Jays vs Rays

More fun at the House of Horrors.

 Estrada vs Snell. Navarro catching. Get Marco some runs!

MLB Power Rankings - September Edition

Now things are getting serious folks. Let's do a little math: 133 games down and our Toronto Blue Jays are 19 games over .500 at 76-57. 29 games left. Even if they go 14-15 they end up 90-72, which makes the playoffs. Things are looking good here folks. MLB has Toronto's postseason projection at a season-high 94.3% That's good. Really good. 

So what are the American media moguls saying about those pesky birds from the north?

CBSSports has us 4th overall, with a quirky Benoit stat:

The heroes over at FiveThirtyEight have us at a lofty #2 overall:

ESPN 4th, mentioning DEPTH:

And for some reason (a few days ago) TSN's Scott Cullen had the Red Sux AHEAD of our boys, even though they had lost 4 of 5 and our boys had just slaughtered the Twins:

Feel free to send him love via Twitter @tsnscottcullen

As a parting shot (ahem) who the heck is Matt Dermody? Luckily I get all my news from the Des Moines Register, nice little writeup on his story here.