Thursday, November 2, 2017

Changing of the Guard

So now that the World Series is over and the calendar has clicked over to November, it's time for me to step back from JITH for a while. My mom's health has accelerated my need to generate a great deal of income quickly. I also need to be available for my parents right now as well. So I can't

The good news is that Wolf is stepping up to run things in my absence and I'm trusting the other three writers with admin privileges - RADAR, Smasher, and Bill - will be there to provide advice and guidance. We're still working out how we'll handle writer communication but I will email all the writers once it's been settled.

The mods will also be here to help handle things if they get out of hand but with no games I'm suspecting it'll be fine. Well, until we miss out on a big free agent. :)

Take care, you awesome people.