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Commenter Ray was lamenting SI's power ranking or lack thereof so I'll include TSN's Scott Cullen's current version, which has the Jays rising to 16th from 28th. I'm not a mathematician but I'm pretty sure that's damn fine.
ESPN. from May 29th has the Jays at 17th in the MLB.
Meanwhile USA Today has the local nine at 19th best. has the Jays 11th in a calculation based on the experts and fans.
There is a consensus that the Jays should be able to sustain the success, with the return of Tulo, Donaldson, Happ and Liriano. On paper, this would make a shitload of sense and a series split/win with the Yankees would go a long way to cementing respectability among the experts.
Debate away.
The fan support for the Jays has remained very strong. Fanrag reports that the Jays are the first American League team to draw 1 million fans this year. With commenter Oakville and Joanna both checking in during the games and doing their part to increase the attendance numbers,it should be noted that they were not at the same game together, nor, to the best of my knowledge, sitting on the same side of the field, while increasing Rogers bottom line.
Interesting to note, from Pinstripe Alley, the Yankees have experienced a significant drop in revenues. While noting that they are failing to attract younger people, it should be noted that the Jays don't seem to be having the same issue. Perhaps the pinheads running the Bronx Bombers should look into this article showing that they have the most expensive tickets in baseball. This all after, in 2009, they lowered their ticket prices in response to poor sales. Even the corporate types were having trouble justifying $2500 per seat in the new stadium so those tickets were cut in half to an
more reasonable $1250.
Okay, I was guilty too. Thinking that age had caught up with Jose Bautista and his start to the season was just a portend for things to come. Fangraphs takes a look at JB's turnaround and maybe I was too hasty in my armchair evaluations. My bad. I'm forgiven now, right?
Chisolm at gives us an update on Jay's players and the allstar voting. Josh Donaldson leads the Jays in votes, sitting in 4th place for 3rd basemen behind fuckface Machado, Sano and Ramirez. Bautista and Pillar have some votes for the outfield, 19th and 15th spots.
Okay, Okay. I stole this from Sportsnet. It's a Sporcle quiz on all the players who have hit homeruns into the 5th deck at the SkyDome. Don't be a cheater by looking here, try it on your own first.
Stoeten has a post on Ken Pagan, the guy who threw the beer at Hyun Soo Kim during last year's wild card game. Pagan, should be noted was a sports journalist who ran a blog about the Jays and was employed by Postmedia in Hamilton, as reported by the Star. A personal aside, it takes all kinds but this shit is going to get somebody seriously injured. This clown and his friends totally denied his involvement but I'll let you in on a secret. I know somebody who has been involved with the electronic security at the RC. They don't use the TV camera's, they have some very sophisticated equipment that watches every fucking inch of the dome crowd. Super high resolution that can tell if you're missing the button on your shirt and whether you're fly is down.
I could add some stuff about Pompey or Gibby's laid back style and what it means to the guys in the clubhouse or Liriano's expected return on Friday, on what that means to the rotation going forward but you nice people can debate all that.
Enjoy the links.