Thursday, July 7, 2016

MLB Power Rankings - Jays Edition

I'm a sucker for MLB Power Rankings.

I don't know why I care so much about what Yahoo!, SI, CBSSports, USA Today and all the others think about our Toronto Blue Jays. Perhaps it's that Canadian feeling of just wanting to be noticed. Like when you get giddy when the Simpsons went to Toronto, or when Canada gets mentioned on The Daily Show with Trevor Noah. OMG! They're talking about us! We matter!

As they should be. The Toronto Blue Jays suddenly matter. Overall they've jumped about 4-5 spots in the last week, from 10-11 to 6-7. Ahead of the Boston Red Sux and even ahead of the Shitbirds, in some polls. Winning 6 straight with big bats and great pitching will do that for you.

I know I shouldn't care what other people think so much, but it's a guilty pleasure I refuse to apologize for... Especially when thing are trending in the right direction.

It's a good time to be a Jays fan. Look for the Jays to crack the Top 5 this week.