Thursday, August 11, 2016

Who are YOU.

One of the commenters at the Drunk Jays Fans blog went by the username "Brent in Korea ". I was amazed that somebody in Korea, read and commented on a little known ( at that time) blog about the Blue Jays. In subsequent conversations, I found out he wasn't the only one in Korea who was a Jay's fan. There were many, and sometimes they would meet at a local watering hole, stream the games and cheer on the local nine. The image of a bunch of passionate Jays fans, a world away, sharing the same game I was watching back in Hogtown, was something I needed to wrap my head around. I had been conversing with him like he was in the same room, the same bar, with the same people.
As the Drunk Jays Fans comment section grew and grew, the characters became more eclectic and varied. Saber guys/gals, old school guys/gals, newbies and everything in between. What brought them together? How did they all become Blue Jays Fans?
There were many who came and went. There were lurkers who decided to enter the comment section and stayed. Some didn't make it through the various incarnations of Stoeten's blogs and left.
That made me wonder. Who were they?
Which leads me to the question that has me curious. Who are YOU?
I don't want private, personal details. No names, ages, martial status or anything like that. But I would like to know a little about your Jays fandom.

What is your first significant memory of Blue Jays baseball?
What is the story behind your username?
What is the one away ballpark where you'd like to see a Jays game?
What is your favourite Jays related twitter account?
Who is the best or worst Jays media personality?

You can copy and paste the questions above or use your own questions or ask a question about something you're curious and would like to ask another commenter.( ask me anything)

I'll start with asking about another commenter..
Hey Smasher, I know you play the game and live in the wild north. How long is the ball season, how many teams play in your league and how much alcohol does your team consume post game?

And for the copy and paste.
What is your first significant memory of Blue Jays baseball?
Opening Day 1977
What is the story behind your username?
Somebody else gave it to me. I played a lot of trivia at the bar and got a lot of answers correct, to them it was like I had RADAR.
What is the one away ballpark that you'd like to see a Jays game?
From what I've heard, it's gotta be Safeco
What is your favourite Jays related twitter account?
I have a few that I like for different reasons but @GideonTurk makes me chuckle.
And of course,@F_T_Smasher
Who is the best or worst Jays media personality?
Brunt or Lott are the best and does Marty York count for the worst?

Have fun with it, add questions, delete questions,or don't use the questions, tell us about yourself.
I also looking to hear from some of you lurkers.
Who are you?