It's time once again to break out your best (or worst) music choices to share with the class.
Holy shit, actual fucking baseball, we can watch, with our eyeballs!
On the heels of an amazing Raptors performance, nothing can possibly go wrong today. Unless someone gets injured, which we know will not happen.
The past week gave us a glimpse into what the future holds for Jays fans. How near? Only time will tell but we appear to be in good hands with Vladdy Jr, Bo and Alford. With a decent, somewhat young, pitching staff, there are definitely things to look forward to. If Biagini somehow figures out how to pitch from the windup, potentially we have him, Stro and Sanchy for years to come. 3/5ths of a rotation, half an infield (3/4th if Devo stays healthy) and 2/3s of an outfield, its hard not to be optimistic (for some of us, hi Dabbles!). Well, as long as you're not banking on this year. Either way, baseball is happening this weekend and I for one, cannot fucking wait.
Here is the lineup for today (and eventually tomorrow). Enjoy.
Game 2 (Sunday) Jays lineup vs the Pirates
And Monday's game.