Tuesday, April 11, 2017
Home Opening Day Link dump.
Before today's home opener, some links to amuse and inform.
Under the section of things you can't make up or provide you own punch line to this headline, The Boston Red Sox have fumigated their clubhouse at Fenway. I thought at first, wow I knew those guys stunk but really? Then I read the part about the flu and it made sort of sense, although I suspect it's part of a cover up. Why did the disinfectant smell like roses anyway? Although I can't blame them. I have spoken to many a parent, whose offspring play both baseball and hockey, the consensus being that baseball socks smell worse, than anything in a hockey bag. Discuss amongst yourselves.
The Atlantans are opening up their new ballpark and in a move that may please those who crave more variety of craft beer. SunTrust Park will be selling a beer that has been brewed with baseball bats . Sounds cool but of course, leave it to them to take a novel idea and douche it up to warp factor 9 by naming the suds, Chopsecutioner. Mizuno bats are used in the process and the ale has an alcohol content of 7.3%, which will probably produce more drunken, racist stuff than any normal person should be subjected to.
A team that has been pegged as one to watch this year, the New Hampshire Fisher Cats has a shitload of promising talent. While it's still early, ( see what I did there?), Anthony Alford has come out of the gates like a man ready to prove his prospect ranking is no fucking mirage. 9 for 12 with 3 walks so far. reaching base 5 times in the Fisher Cats April 10th loss to the Reading Fightin' Phils. He may be turning the corner and getting the hang of this baseball thing. I read an article last year that praised his leadership in the clubhouse and intensity on the field.
From all accounts, the latest, is that Osuna will be in the lineup for Tuesday's Home Opener. Hopefully he has burned his old mattress in a fire and will be sleeping on his usual one for the rest of the season.
While a lot of fans have jumped on board the Rowdy Tellez train, Stoeten has reminded everyone to keep their skivvies on and try not to anoint him the next great thing just yet, even though he may be. I agree, for once let the guy develop. No rushing prospects. Put Shapiro into the position where he has to make that decision.
Also over at BJN, Stoeten takes a look at payroll numbers and the discrepancy between Cot's and AP payroll numbers for the Jays. Makes for more fun when we include a comparison to Spotrac. I like looking at the business side of the Jays but this one's a head scratcher.
And a big thanks to Joe McD for doing today's Game Thread. He was a little nervous about it, I think we should give him a kind word and a bit of support. Thanks Joe.
link dump