Saturday, March 6, 2021

Happy 5th Birthday JITH


On March 6,2016, MK created this blog, as a place for commenters and fans of  DJF/AS blog, to congregate. The comment system of Stoeten's new home Blue Jays Network wasn't conducive to the robust discussions that people were used to.

This being the 1929th post, MK's original worry, concerning the viability of the blog, seems to have quelled. My thought since the beginning, has been that the blog would develop and evolve based upon what it's users wanted to derive from it. And for the most part, it has. 

.Some have joined, some have left, all for a myriad of reasons. Sometimes life gets in the way. Marriages, children, work, changes in locales, disagreements, pandemics and reasons we'll never know all lead to a churn of commenters. Still, this is a place where people can escape and discuss whatever is on their mind, sometimes even Blue Jays baseball.

So, as we enter the 6th year, thank you to all the commenters, writers, lurkers and everyone I haven't mentioned. You make this community what it is, a house.