Saturday, November 21, 2020

Tunes n' Tarot

Another Saturday, another Tunes n/ Tarot!

This week we got a double-play. Four of Mitts (Foul) and The Catcher. Oddly enough, both of these cards showed up in the reading two weeks ago. (I swear, I shuffle them! These cards literally fell out of the deck.) So we're still talking about evaluating the opportunities presenting themselves and being receptive to messages from your subconscious. 

Since they've decided to show up again, let's look a bit deeper at what they challenge us with. The Four of Mitts talks about watching for discontent/world-weariness. The wish to be alone as a means to hide rather than truly desiring solitude. Cloaking yourself in self-protection. The questions it asks are:

  • Are there opportunities that I am turning away from or not recognizing?
  • What involvement am I taking a break from or need a break from?
  • What is being temporarily delayed?
  • Am I taking the bigger context into consideration?
  • What limits am I pushing against?
  • Is my heart closed? My mind?
  • Am I bored? By what? By whom?
  • Am I able to enjoy time off or time alone or does it feel like a punishment?
The Catcher is letting you know that something or someone is trying to signal you. Take to heart and seek to understand any apparent coincidences, dreams, or hunches that arise. You may be facing a situation that will demand your total acceptance, particular sensitivity, great compassion, or emotional strength. Strong feelings will come up. Don't repress or discount them. You are being called to learn to embrace (which will lead to skillful handling) volatile moods and intense feelings the way the catcher handles the various types of pitches they need to handle. 

Basically, learn to handle the wild pitches and balls in the dirt. 😊

For tunes, this has been rockin' my head this week. Keep an eye out for a special guest appearance.