Saturday, November 14, 2020

Tunes n' Tarot

 Time for another Tunes n' Tarot!

This week we have the Ten of Bases. It's a Winning Streak! The subtitle of this card is Satisfying Stability. This is a sign of good news in a team context. So your individual wins right now are connected to community of some sort or another. It's a team effort.

Questions to ask yourself:

  • What has consistently been going well?
  • To what powers outside myself do I owe my good fortune? 
  • Do I want more stability or less?
  • Where do I belong? What do I gain by that affiliation? What do I give up?
  • What institution am I proud to be a part of?
  • Do I tend to be a loner or a joiner?
  • Which established powers am I angry at? Grateful for?
  • Do I understand my place in history?
For the tunes, I've been on an Elton John kick. This is in my head at the moment: