Saturday, February 16, 2019

Saturday Night Spanish Guitar aka WTFJITH

Hello All,

It's time once again to break out your best (or worst) music choices to share with the class.

Spring training is finally here!!!! When's it over??? I know that joke was already made by someone here (sorry I don't remember who, no credit for you!) but it rings true every year. We wait all winter, suffer through crappy weather, winter blues etc just to hear those sweet sweet words, "Pitchers and Catchers have reported". Then, somehow forgotten, we realize its 6 weeks of terrible coverage and players we want to see, getting 2 ABs and hitting the showers. But its something other than the nothingness of recent years and no one signing. So......yay!?
(this is so how my mother would watch my baseball games)

The team will look very different vs last year and that might not be a bad thing. I'm hoping for better defense, different offense and at least one starter making his turn in the rotation "must see TV". Between that and seeing Vlad, eventually, I can see this season being fun to watch. No, the Jays won't compete for anything but when there's very little expectations, it's hard to be disappointed. I'm sure Dabbles will find a way.

Here’s to Dame Fortune; may she smile upon you. May you never meet her daughter, Miss Fortune

(I enjoyed this, I think the location is Granada, anyone been?)

Music is the theme but baseball/hockey/basketball can of course be discussed. Enjoy everyone!