Monday, August 7, 2017

Express yourself!

This was going to be another poetry post but I got thinking about all of you who are resistant to writing poetry. So I'm opening it up to stories told in gif or emoji form as well.

Talk about how things went in Houston, how you feel about the trades, the upcoming series with the Yankees, the day off, or any overall baseball feelings.

I'll start. I'm choosing free-form poetry:

I look up at the starry night
So pretty, so vast
So full of possibilities
And I remember when I felt that way
About my Blue Jays

When the lineup was feared
When left-handed pitchers put themselves on the DL
Just to avoid us
When no deficit was too much to overcome

When the pitching was the best
When many an opposing batter
Walked away shaking his head
After he struck out

Those days are gone, my friends
But not forgotten
And as I look up at these stars
They whisper,
"It will soon be so again."