First of all, I think it's pretty clear that we are looking at a half-season +1 game schedule (half 162 is 81 so 1 extra game each for 82GP).
Roster sizes should be the traditional 50 players with half being active each game.
Hub Cities should be used as the NHL is doing (one for each league or potentially one each division to minimize travel)
A universal DH should be used for this year only
Players must sit 2 feet apart in the dugout with the stands being used as extra space with players sitting in every other seat and in alternating rows.
No spitting or licking of fingers allowed. To discourage pitchers from licking their fingers, they will be required to dip their pitching fingers in a foul-tasting substance (such as lemon juice or Tabasco sauce) between innings.
No chewing tabacco products or sunflower seeds
No spitting
No base stealing allowed. This will allow the basemen to play a couple of feet in front of or behind the runner
1st, 2nd, and 3rd bases will be replaced by giant bases the size of high jump mats in Track and field so there can be two feet between the base runner and fielder at all times
During mound meetings, the catcher, pitching coach and pitcher must be positioned on the opposite sides of the mound and the pitcher and pitching coach must don a mask and the catcher must keep his catching mask down on his face.
Bottles of disinfectant spray will be placed at the base of the mound and the pitcher must use it whenever he accepts the ball back to disinfect the ball
Everyone must use their own equipment (gloves, batting helmets, bats, etc.). Pitchers will have their own designated set of bullpen balls each session.
The home plate umpire will be effectively eliminated with roboumps calling strikes/balls. An umpire will be situated in the press gallery to make safe/out calls at each base
Batters must stand as far forward in the batter's box as possible to maximize the distance between batter/catcher
In the event of a pop fly right between two players, a game of rock/paper/scissors will decide who goes for it
The balls will be replaced after every pitch
No throwing the ball around the horn after a strike out or put-out
No high-fives, fist bumps or hugs (air hugs are allowed)
Games will be postponed if a player coughs during play
First- and third-base coaches are not to approach baserunners or umpires, and players should not socialize with opponents.
personnel who rub baseballs with mud for the pitchers must use gloves.
all coaches and trainers must stand 6 feet apart in the dugout with the clubhouse being used as overflow
bullpen pitchers must warm up six feet apart from each other or one at a time if not possible
a player must be removed from the game if they get an open wound from sliding or a blister
the traditional exchange of lineups will not occur. Instead, each manager will tweet out the teams lineup a couple of hours prior to each game and text each other
Crowd noise will be blasted through the sound system for the fans watching on TV
Styrofoam fans will be scattered throughout the stadium so it looks kind of occupied (like they are doing in Korea
Got any other crazy ideas of how to play baseball while social distancung? Comment below.