Wednesday, December 20, 2017

On the advent of my father's birth...

I want to thank all of you, the JITH community, for your support this year.

To say this has been a rough year is an understatement. Our beloved team never made it to .500, wracked by injuries and under-performing players. We've had to watch the Yankees become assholes again. (At least the World Series featured the two teams who deserved to be there.) And the ongoing lack of off-season activity has a lot of people concerned.

I know a lot of you have had a rough go of it personally as well. Losing friends, jobs, family. Having health issues. There's also been good stuff too - weddings, new children, new homes.

For me personally, while there have been some pretty amazing things that have happened to me this year, the big over-riding thing has been the deterioration of my mother's health, especially mentally. So a big thank you to Wolf for running this site as we're dealing with getting her healthier and planning for her move to a long-term care facility. Thanks to RADAR, Noopi and Fowl for stepping in to moderate when things get heated. And thanks to the writers - especially Nego, Tina, and Tom J for writing in the dog days since the playoffs and to Lunchbox for putting up Doc threads for us to process the news.

But this post is to especially thank all those who have contributed financially to this site. I haven't been able to work this year so your donations have been a major source of income for me. I was able to purchase my dad's gift on Amazon (and something I've wanted for a while as well) thanks to the payout from the Associate program, so thank you to all who have used the site link for their purchases. Thank you to everyone who has donated - even the person who has a $1/month subscription (I don't know what your handle here is) has made a difference to me this year. I want to give a special shoutout to NoCramps, who always seems to know when I have an expense that needs covering and comes through to save me.

It's hard for me to talk about the money which is why it's important that I do. Our society uses money as the means to measure the worthiness of services. It means so much that so many of you feel this site and me are worthy of a financial contribution. So thank you. So much. From the bottom of my heart.