Saturday, November 17, 2018

Saturday Night Spanish Guitar aka WTFJITH

Hello All,

It's time once again to break out your best (or worst) music choices to share with the class.

Congratulations to all the baseball award winners this year. No real surprises to me, except maybe Mookie over Mike but that's largely based on my hatred of all things Red Sux.

Last week I suggested the Raptors might be good. Scratch that.

This week I'm suggesting that the Leafs are good.

This can only end one way.

What else....

I really have nothing this week. Welcome to winter, eastern Canada. And just as I type that, I look outside and its snowing. Karma I guess.

Hey, Karma, you lost? Why don't you type this in your google maps,
4 Yawkey Way, Boston, MA 02215, USA

We had some more great tunes posted on last Saturday's thread, lets hope it keeps going again this week. As always, music is the theme but baseball/hockey/basketball can of course be discussed. Enjoy everyone!
Yep, same guy as last week!